Partly due to excessive heat, bad air quality, and having asthma, I’ve spent limited time out of my apartment for weeks.
I don’t usually talk about my experiences with asthma because I’ve always considered this a source of embarrassment.
Last summer, the haze from Canadian wildfires resulted in a number of days as “an indoor cat”.
Managing my health in relation to our changing climate has forced me to think harder about how I move through the world.
I think about zip code destiny all the time. The concept is basically that where we’re born has a massive impact on how our life unfolds.
I’ve thought plenty about how I might have fared if I was born in another time. The answer is poorly. There are about a hundred ways I would not have survived. All very Darwinian. This is why, in a way, modern medicine is always playing God (and we should applaud this). Human intervention helps change outcomes. So many of us would be greatly hindered or disabled members of our society without interventions.
In modern times, the wealthiest among us are fixated on how to live forever while others live in abject poverty.
Back to air quality… Recently, I’ve thought a lot about what it would be like to live in other places. Places known to have poor air quality. Places where it’s been said that simply breathing the air is like smoking a pack or two of cigarettes a day. I would not survive for long.
2022 data says that more than 6% of U.S. children have asthma and almost 9% of adults.
How can we take action?
We need to push for preventative measures.
We need to improve our healthcare system.
We need to improve access to healthcare.
We need to encourage our leadership to enact legislation that will hasten technological advancements for clean air.
Other ideas??
What follows is for information purposes:
How AccuWeather considers air quality (AQI):
0 - 19
The air quality is ideal for most individuals; enjoy your normal outdoor activities.
20 - 49
The air quality is generally acceptable for most individuals. However, sensitive groups may experience minor to moderate symptoms from long-term exposure.
50 - 99
The air has reached a high level of pollution and is unhealthy for sensitive groups. Reduce time spent outside if you are feeling symptoms such as difficulty breathing or throat irritation.
100 - 149
Health effects can be immediately felt by sensitive groups. Healthy individuals may experience difficulty breathing and throat irritation with prolonged exposure. Limit outdoor activity.
Very Unhealthy
150 - 249
Health effects will be immediately felt by sensitive groups and should avoid outdoor activity. Healthy individuals are likely to experience difficulty breathing and throat irritation; consider staying indoors and rescheduling outdoor activities.
Any exposure to the air, even for a few minutes, can lead to serious health effects on everybody. Avoid outdoor activities.
AirNow has a different index of measurement…
Good = 0-50
Moderate = 51-100
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups = 101-150
Unhealthy = 151-200
Very Unhealthy = 201-300
Hazardous = 301 & higher (theoretically up to 500…)
Are these the cleanest cities in terms of air quality?
Are these the places with the most polluted air?
Well first off, nobody intentionally goes out of their way to acquire chronic health issues. Having asthma is in no way your fault. Nobody can tell you how to feel but I hope by being open about your personal experiences as you are here, it lessens that feeling a little. I can empathize with not surviving very long in another time; I joke that I would have either been lobotomized, burned at the stake, or my personal laundry list of chronic health issues would have contributed to a short life. It's incredibly frustrating that with all of the technology that is being developed, somehow we are only causing more harm to the planet. I don't have any issues to contribute, just felt like a little empathy wouldn't hurt. Summer is brutal when you're chronically ill on any level. Hang in there!
I'm sorry you are suffering so much. You can also install your own device and search on to see the Air quality from individual sensors. This might help you decide where to spend time.