~ New Years Goals / "Resolutions" for 2022 ~
I've learned that resolutions are a bit fraught. You're probably better off coming up with a few goals. You're probably even better off coming up with a list of goals you intend to actually succeed at completing along with some reach goals. This way, you don't feel like a total failure. Serious.
Here are a few of my goals from previous years:
Submit to at least one journal every month
Read more books (too vague, not useful)
Read one small press poetry collection every month
This was more effective
Increase weights I use by 10 pounds by the end of the year (not successful)
Turned out lifting heavier weights was mostly resulting in more days sore instead of feeling healthy, flexible, and less likely to injure myself in some embarrassing way
Eat healthier
For me personally it's more about portion control + not eating too late at night + not keeping too many bags of snacks around because in certain moods I'll decide it's a brilliant idea to open all of them and devour 1/3 of every bag
Travel more
This is not the best 2022 goal
Let me add that personally I believe there's plenty to see in the U.S.
Check out states with the least tourism & maybe consider throwing them a bone & seeing places not everyone else sees
Limit phone use / screen time
This is a great idea ... let me know if you find a way to actually make this happen
Here are some goals I'm considering for 2022:
*Note: I typically try to keep (or adjust) the goals / resolutions from previous years & add the new goals.
Find a way to double ONE ART readership
Publish two chapbooks that I've been working on for several years
Learn how to make decent veggie sushi
I'm doubtful I'll succeed at this one tbh
Sell 1 piece of visual art
I've never sold any of my photography so, I suspect, it would feel kinda good to know someone else was regularly appreciating the effort
Write copy for a major company
I know you've seen a billboard & thought "I could have worded it better"
Make more time to listen to podcasts / audiobooks
This was a non-issue in the past (happened naturally during my commute and winding down process many evenings)
The pandemic has changed a lot of behaviors for [sometimes] unclear reasons
Interview someone I admire
Conversational interview
Write one book review
Test drive a fun car
I hear BMW's M3 is fun to drive ... YOLO
More acts of kindness
Spend more days wearing only comfortable clothes