“In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in the case of poetry, it's the exact opposite.”
- Paul Dirac
An aspect of poetry is about discussing something deep and meaningful in your own words, in your own voice, language, and cadence. I say "an aspect" as not all poetry must be "deep" — some poetry shines light on the everyday in a manner that makes it shimmer for the reader who feels, "Yes, that's it exactly."
Science has the burden of proof, the scientific method, resulting in science often being "late to the game" — proving the "obvious" — whereas poetry is always on the cutting edge, searching to comprehend, willing to name, willing to call out truth, fact, falsehood, call bullshit, scream atrocity and injustice from the rooftops, long before science has had a chance to turn on the lights in the lab.