I truly appreciate Benjamin Davis of ChillSubs putting together this list of journals with rolling submissions.
It's always a bit on an ongoing frustration that journals (like ONE ART) do not receive the same level of [free] advertising about calls for submissions since, well, there are no calls when you have rolling subs.
It seems almost counterintuitive that journals that have fixed submission periods benefit from being closed to submissions for at least part of the year whereas journals that are always open (rolling subs) are typically left off lists such as those sharing “Upcoming Deadlines.”
I don’t want to go so far as to say journals that are always open to submissions are being punished; that being said, it does feel like journals with rolling submissions are disadvantaged in the attention economy when the intention is to be as writer-friendly as possible.
Alas, the list on ChillSubs is only available to paying subscribers. In case it's not listed for those who can view it, I'm the editor of Braided Way: Faces & Voices of Spiritual Practice. Our subs are always open. BraidedWay. org
As a poet, I really appreciate rolling submissions. I have place to submit when I have something to submit.