The CDC is getting soft on covid. External pressures seem to have resulted in change that isn’t science-backed. People are being told it’s ok if they do not isolate for five days after a covid infection.
“Americans can return to public life if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving, regardless of a positive test, agency officials told reporters on Friday.”
“When they return to normal activities, the CDC recommended people use preventative strategies for the next five days. This includes limiting close contact with others, enhancing hygiene like hand-washing, improving ventilation, masking and testing as needed.”
In short, the idea is to apply the same method of thinking that we currently use for the flu. But, the flu kills a massive number people every year… because we don’t take it seriously enough.
A few things we should have learned from the pandemic include:
· If you’re sick—stay home.
· If you’re sick—call your doctor.
· If you’re sick—get tested to determine your illness.
· If you’re sick—take precautions to avoid getting others sick.
· If you’re sick, and you absolutely have to go out—wear a mask.
· If you’re sick and can work from home, then work from home.
· If a company is telling you to come to work sick—it’s unethical.
· If a school encourages children to come to school sick—it’s unethical.
· Spreading illness when it’s preventable? Unethical.
Thank you, Mark.
Be wise. Be sensible. Be kind to your neighbors.
Take good care, of everything.
I agree with *everything* but, "If you’re sick—call your doctor." I want my Doc available if need help with healing, with diagnosis of something that might wide up debilitating, and in times of real need. Folks overuse the medical system, driving up costs and overloading MDs and NPs.