Why Are We Here?

This is a space for lifelong learners who aim to remain forever receptive and curious.

I believe it is important to maintain the mindset that I am always at ‘Square One’. This means that I approach new ideas with as few preconceptions as possible. In turn, I am constantly checking my past beliefs against new information and societal shifts.

The human brain is an organ. It operates based on previous data. It’s a “prediction machine”. As a prediction machine, the brain makes mistakes all the time. We can’t fully rely on our “rational” brain just as we should not rely on our highly fallible “gut instincts”.

What is all this to say? We should always be working to be the best possible version of our “self” in the here and now. The “self” is simply a construct. We create ourselves. This means we can also re-create ourselves. Our brains may have more difficulty maintaining neuroplasticity as we age but that does not mean we should harden in our ways.

Be receptive. Be curious. Be mindful. Remember, we are always at Square One.

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the importance of staying curious


Mark Danowsky is Editor-in-Chief of ONE ART: a journal of poetry. He is the author of four poetry books. His latest poetry collection is Meatless (Plan B Press). Take Care is forthcoming from Moon Tide Press in 2025.