OMM has rebranded as Stay Curious in 2025.
For as long as I can remember, the subtitle of OMM has been “the importance of staying curious”. This isn’t a massive paradigm shift. The Substack’s ‘About’ statement hasn’t changed.
Stay Curious (SC) aligns with my original intentions for this space as it has transformed from “Lawless Explications” to “On My Mind” and then “OMM: On My Mind & In Our Time”. The core concept throughout has always been a dedication to staying curious, receptive, and open. Pluralism — as The West Wing teaches us (in a good and rather didactic episode titled ‘Isaac and Ishmael’) — is what America is all about. The ability to keep an open mind, hold differing and complex truths in our mind at once, and understand that there is no one right way.
Like the new title, and your connection to the openness in that wonderful episode of WW.
I love the change! Curiousity is the hallmark of creativity.