Hamilton Stone Review (now Hamilton Stone Editions) also lives!


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Poetry Breakfast lives!


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You have no idea how much I appreciate your articles. Also, I’m not sucking up because you’ve already published me. Ha ha. Please keep up the great work. I thought you should know how much you matter, in case you didn’t already know.

With gratitude,

Crystal Taylor.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Crystal! This means a great deal to me!!

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This is such an important subject, Mark. From the 90s on, I have been concerned about online journals and their permanency. Even when the editors or sponsoring institutions are willing to keep them going, there are the changes that happen with operating systems and utilities (think Flash). Visual work seems more prone to sudden extinction, but all of us who have online publications going back 20 years or more have encountered sudden link loss to our work. Your advice to record your own work is well-taken. I stand by my laughed-at advice to resort to paper copies -- just in case. Thank you.

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I also recommend writers use a thumb drive (USB drive) or SD card (etc) to save a copy of their poems (a) not on their computer (b) the cloud

While it's obvious that if The Cloud goes down... worse things are happening in the world than a writer losing their work (very possibly a cyberattack as act of war)... cloud networks do have glitches and people lose all their writing and that is downright terrifying in and of itself

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So many lit mags on that list that I've sent to, a few I've been published in and a few, including Gettysburg Review(!) from which I received a few "hopeful rejections" and encouragement to send more work. Sigh. Sad also to see Valparaiso going down. Edward published one of my pieces not so long ago, and I found him a caring and exact kind of editor. One of the first publications to ever feature my work in the early twenty teens was Contemporary American Voices. They seem to still be there for now, but have published nothing since 2018 and will likely soon disappear. So, printed copies and memory sticks aside, what do we do?

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Something like the WPA to return and help prop up working artists (which I believe includes editors and publishers) and organizations.

UBI in the form of a minimum wage for artists as well as health care coverage.

I believe the lack of a social safety net is a major factor in why people who want to be involved in The Arts full-time are unable to do so. It's a privilege to do what I do... and I don't have a trust fund or anything like that.

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More defunct journals:

Superstition Review, River Mouth Review, Matador Review, Pivot, Gravel, Tuck, Vamp Cat

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Please feel free to add notes in the comments about lit mags have you discovered are now defunct (or else if there's been a mistake and a journal listed is, in fact, still extant)

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