This is a fabulous list of places to submit. I've published in a few of things and others have been my list. I'm saving this.

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So glad this feels helpful!

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Jul 8Liked by Mark Danowsky

Great post, Mark. I would add "Only Poems" somewhere in your mix. It's more selective and new so you may not see it in bios, yet. But it is high in correlation in other important ways: 1) They use the term "curation." 2) They take work that has appeared in social media. 3) They offer workshops. 4) They have a substack that explores both poetics other also curation related issues. And 5), most important, (like you) they are accessible and not stand-offish.

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Jul 8Liked by Mark Danowsky

A very interesting and helpful article, Mark. Thanks for the analysis and insight!

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Thank you! So glad you agree!

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Aug 29Liked by Mark Danowsky

What a generous thing to do, Mark. Thank you for compiling these lists! There are also some good places in Canadian journals, eg. Fiddlehead and The New Quarterly.

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So glad you're finding value in the lists! That's true, there are some great Canadian lit mags. I know some primarily want subs from Canadians. I'm thinking of 'Geist', for example.

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Jul 9Liked by Mark Danowsky

But Mark, we’d rather bother you. Ha! Anyway, thank you for this! Whenever I get a rejection that says they liked the piece but it wasn’t the right fit, I always wish I could ask. There are so many magazines out there! Some of these, I’d never heard of until now. There was some jaw dropping pieces in them! As always, thank you for being a beacon!

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Aw, I appreciate it!

I know it's tempting to ask editors why they turned down work.

There ARE so many lit mags out there (over 7,000!). On the plus side, it means there's a niche community for everyone.

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Thank you for sharing such helpful information.

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Thanks Mark!

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Thank you for putting together this list! I'm a newer poet, still looking for submission opportunities, and many of these titles are new to me.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Mark Danowsky

I note the absence of Poetry, rightly so. They are such an outlier these days, in my opinion.

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Well their mission is and always has been avant garde and that's certainly not what ONE ART is about

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Very interesting!

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Thanks so much for creating this list, Mark. Very helpful!

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Jul 8Liked by Mark Danowsky

What a great list -- very generous of you!

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Thank you!

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Very helpful, thanks!

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